The Truong' s Foyer

truong ngoc hanh

few words
Great Ideas
the world of the man
special problems in sociology
The Truong's Foyer
beauty and art
theology and metaphysics



        This subject is from the Great Books...Most of us admitted these books are the intelligence of humankind. We are grateful to extract few of the textes in these books for your consideration....
liberal education...
        Let us first be clear about the meaning of the liberal arts  and liberal education .
       The liberal arts  are traditionally intended to develop the faculties of the human mind, those powers of intelligence and imagination without which no intellectual work can be accomplished. .
      The liberal education is not tired to certain academic subjects, such as philosophy, history, literature, music, art, and other so-called humanities.
      In the liberal arts tradition, scientific disciplines, such as mathematics and physics, are considered equally liberal, that is equally able to develop the powers of the mind. The liberal arts tradition goes back to the medieval curiculum. It consisted of two parts. The first part, the trivium  comprised grammar, rhetoric, and logic. It taught the arts of reading and writing, of listening and speaking, and of sound thinking. The other part, the quadrivium, consisted ofarithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and music ( not audible music, but music conceived as a mathematical science ). It taught the arts of observation, calculation, and measurement, how to apprehend the quantitative aspect of things. Nowadays,of course, we would add many more sciences, natural and social. This is just what has been done in the various modern attempts to renew liberal education..
       Liberal education, including all the tradional parts as well as the newer sciences, is essential for the development of the top-flight scientists. Without it, we can train only technicians, who cannot understand the basic principles behind the motions they perform. We can hardly expect such skilled automatons to make new decouveries of any importance. A crash program of merely technical training would probably end ina crashup for basic science.
      The connection of liberal education with scientific creativity is not mere speculation. It is a matter of historical fact that the great German scientists of the XIX th century had a solid background in the liberal Arts. They all went throught a liberal education which embraced Greek, Latin, logic, philosophy, and history, in addition to mathematics, physics and other sciences. Actually, this has been the educational preparation of European scientists down to the present time. Einstein, Bohr, Fermi, and other great modern scientists were developed not by technical schoolong, but by liberal education.
        If you will just note the birth dates of the men who have done the basic work in Science, in certains pays, it will be apparent to you that they could not have received their training under any new system of education.  As for the presnet educational setup in certains pays,  which many alarmists are demanding that we emulate, it seems to contain something besides technical training and concentration on the natural sciences and mathematics. 
       The aims of liberal education, however, is not to produce scientists.
       We able to think for themselves. Its primary aim is not the development of professional competence, although a liberal education is indispensable for any intellectual profession. Itproduces citizens who can exercise their political liberty responsibly. It develops cultivated persons who can use their leisure fruitfully. It is an education for all free men, whether they intend to be scientists or not.
     Our educational problem is how to produce free men, not hordes of uncultivated, trained technicians. Only the best liberal schooling can accomplish this.
        It must include all the humanities as well as mathematics and the sciences. It must exclude all merely vocational and technical training...
general education and vocational training.....
        In the opinion of the ancients, education es the process of developing or perfecting human beings. It tries to cultivate the humanity of man by developing his specifically human excllences- both intellectual and moral. The ultimate goals of education are human happiness and the welfare of society. Its products are good men and good citizens.
      If the ancients were asked whether education should be specialized, they would answer that il should be specialized only in that it should be conceived in terms of man' s specifically human nature. If they were asked whether ot should be vocational, they would say that the only vocation with which it should be concerned is the  common human calling- the pursuit of happiness. What we call specialized and vocational training- training for particular jobs- theywould regard as the training of slaves, not the education of free men.

    This classical view of education has prevailed right down to our century. It is reaffirmed as late as 1916 by none other than  John Dewey. In the Democracy and Education, Dewey  declared that merely vocational training is the training of animals or slaves. It fits them to become cogs in the industrial machine. Free men need liberal education to prepare them to make a good use of their freedom.
    Writing in 1776, at the beginning of the industrial revolution, the  English economist Adam Smith advocates a minimum general education for all citizens. He points out that a man who is incapable of using his intellectual faculties properly is not fully human. He descxribes the sultification of the worker from whom no real crafsmanship or skill is demanded. The division of labor, which limits him to performing a few simple operations, makes him a mere appendage of the industrial process.
   As a result, the worker, according to Adam Smith, " becomes as stupid and ignorant as it is possible for a human being to become. The torpor of his mind renders him not only incapable of relishing or bearing a part in any rational conversation, but of conceiving any generous, noble, or tender sentiment, and consequently of forming any moral judgment concerning many of the ordinary duties of private life".
  Adam Smith' s picture may be unduly grim, and more applicable to the eighteenth and to the twenty firsth century. But the essential truthit points out remains unchanged. Specialized vocational training which does no more than fit a manfor a limited task in the industrial process is as stultifying as the job itdself. Such training is, strictly speaking, not education in the human sense at all. It contributes to the production of material goods, not to the development of human being.
     While the ancients had the correct view of education as essentially liberal, they did not think that all men should be liberally educated, because they did not think that all men are fitted by nature for the pursuit of happiness or citizenship or the liberal pursuit of leusure. But we today, at least those of us who are devoted to the principles of democracy, think otherwise. We maintain that all men should be citizens, that all have an equal right to the pursuit of happiness, and that all should be able to enjoy the goods of civilization. Hence we think that a democratic society must provide liberal schooling for all.
    Vocational training for particular tasks in the industrial process should be done by industry itself and on the job, not by the schools or in the classrooms.. The curriculum of basic schooling, from the first grade through college, should be wholly liberal and essentially the same for all. In view of the wide range of abilities and aptitudes with which the schools have to deal, that curriculum must be adapted to different children in different ways.
    In other words, we must solve the problem of how to give all the children- the least gifted as wellas the most gifted- the same kind of liberal education that was given in the past only to the few. Upon our success in solving that problem the future of democracy depends...

Stone 4

  In the chapter III of " Errant vol de nuage" (
),  I presented the financial crisis and how to get over ...More than a few months, the crisis seemed fairly on the control, even it is too soon for the prediction for the future. It is the problem having effect for everybody. With the collection from financial market,  I tried with my best knowledge, to write this note...
the painful rate to refinance in the financial crisis..
     On the paper, it seems like the perfect time to refinance. The average rate on a 30-year fixed mortgage recently hit a 20-year low when it fell below 5 % in the mid-March (2009). And the Federalhassaid that it will spend $300 billion to buy back government-back Treasury bonds; that will propably keep loan rates low for months to come.
    But wade into the mortgage market, and we may quickly feel as if we' re trying to grab a dollar in the game - show booth where the money is blowing around: Those ultralow rates are right in front of us, yet maddeningly elusive. Lenders, grappling with deadbeat homeowners and shifting regulations, have pared back on mortgage products and upped credit requirements. Still we have a good incentive to try: If we took out a mortgage two years ago, when rates were in the mid-sixes, we stand to drop our rate nearly two percentage points, saving almost $300 a month on the $300,000 loan. Here's how to navigate the roadblocks.
figure out if we qualify...
     Nowadays, credit score and equity are king. To land the best rates, we' ll probably need  a credit score of at least 740, and 20 % equity ( will present in this topic ). " Banks are looking for the reasons not to lend you money " says Mark Miskiel of  Lighthouse Mortgage in Sedona, Ariz. USA. If we don't have 20 % equity, a refi isn' t out of question -  President Obama 's housing package allows homeowners who owe as much as 105 % to receive government - backed loans. O qualify for that program, however, our original mortgage must be held by one of the government - sponsored entities, Freddie Mac or  Fannie Mae; we must prove that we can keep up with payments; and we ' ll get stuck with fees that tack 0.25 % to 3 % onto our rate.
           1 -  CREDIT SCORE : to qualify for the best rate:  then: 620;  now : 740.
           2 -  DOWN PAYMENT : then : 5 % or less;  now : 20 % or more.
           3 -  PAPERWORK :  then : one or two months of pay stubs;  now : Tax return several pay stubs, and investment statements.
           4 -   CASH ON HAND : the : two months work of mortgage payments; now : At least six months work of mortgage payments
get rid of the heloc...
         Home - equity loans and lines have become the enemy of would - be  refinancers.  Before we can close on the new loan, our home - equity  lender must agree to  " subordinate "  the second loan ( meaning thatour primary lender will get repaid first in the event we run into financial trouble ). That can take at least a month, says  Bob Moulton of the Americana Mortgage Group in Manhasset, N.Y. USA. One way to speed up the process is to do a consolidation refi through our hoe - equity lender.  If that' s not possible, aim to submit the subordination paperwork as we start shopping for the primary mortgage. And know that other lenders may add up to 0. 25 % to our rate to cash out the secondary loan.
know where to look...
      No matter how stellar our credit, we won' t get a great rate without doing some serious shopping. That' s because every bank is using different standards for underwriting loans, so while we may look like a risky borrower to one, another may welcome us with open arms.  In general, says  Keith Gumbinger of Mortgage Data firm HSH Associates, we' re likely to getthe best rates from small local banks and credits unions.
     Unfortunately, if we need a jumbo loan ( typical $ 417,000, but it can go up to $ 729,750 in high - cost areas ), we can kiss super - low rates goodbye. While jumbos normally run about half a percentage point higher than small ones, today the spread is a point and a half.
pay a point upfront...
     A point, which equals 1 % of our mortgage amount, typically buys us an eighth to a quarter of a percentage point drop in our rate.  Today some overloaded lenders are knocking half a percentage point off for those who pay a point, hoping this extra initial cost will deter serial refinaciers.  If we' re planning to stay put for about five years, it may be worth it. Conversely, consider adding an eighth of a percentage point to our rate to lock it in for 45 days. anks and lenders are putting a lot more effort into vetting applications, so it can take up to two months to close a loan, vs. about 30 days in the past; we don' t want to risk rates' moving against us while we wait. The payoff for patience: a loan we canlive with, for a very long time.

Stone 5

shogun, hara - kiri,  samurai...
  Shogun was the title of the greatest of the Jepanese Feudal Lords.  The term  shogun  means great general  in Japanese, and is an abbreviation of the title meaning  Barbarian - Subduing Generalissimo. This official had originally  received  emergency military powers from the Japanese Emperor  to fight against the Ainu tribe  in the A.D. 800's . After 1192, the power of the Imperial Court  decreased, and the Shogun   also assumed civil power. In theory, the Emperor  appointed  each New Shogun, but the Shogun  was the real ruler of Japan. The Minamoto, the Ashikaga, and the Tokugawa families  carried the Shogun Title. The Shogun' s power  reached its peak under  the Tokugawa family, from about 1600 to 1867. In 1867, the Shogun  resigned and returned his power to the Emperor.
   Hara - Kiri  is a method of suicide used by members of the Japanese Warrior class. The person who commits hara - kiri  cuts  agash in his abdomen according to the prescribed manner, and disembowels himself. The Japanese term this ceremonial rite Seppuku. During the feudal period in Japan, men considered it a  privilege and duty for the  Samurai  ( warrior nobles ) to kill themselves in this way, rather than to submit to public disgrace. Later, defeated commanders sometimes asked the Emperor for permission to commit hara - kiri. The Japanese  tended to give up this custom after 1868, but it has never completely died out.
    Samurai  was the hereditary warrior class in feudal Japan. The term originally  referred only to the Imperial Guards. After the coming of a feudal system, it meant the entire military class. This included the Samurai Warriors, the feudal Lords called Daimyos  or  Daimios, and the  Shogun. About 5 of every 100 Japanese belonged to this group.
   A code of  unquestioning Obedience and Loyalty, called  Bushido, bound the Samurai Warriors to their Lords. The  Samurai prized honor above weath or life,  and atoned for dishonor by committing hara - kiri., or  cereminial suicide.  They wore two swords, and a distinctive headdress. The Samurai  were graded in military ranks, each with an appropriate income in rice. They lost their privileges when the Japanese abolished Feudalism in 1871.

Orange Lily

Our mother had the Vo's Foyer a My Hanh Dong, It was the place of meeting the family, most in the anniversary of the ancestors. It was also the place, of which, the meeting of the family, when they have any event, for remembering the grand souvenir entre les membres of the family.
               Our father did not have Foyer for the family... That the reason we would like to create the Foyer for the family, The Truong's Foyer. Like the Vo's Foyer, this place is the meeting for the members in the family, not only for the Truong's Family, also the Vo's Family and the rest of Cousins'families.
              As the tradition  of the family tree,  The Foyer is slightly different with the Family Reunion. It reserves  for the younger generation...our children and grand children...


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                                             March 29 2010 ...The nature of a profession ( the world of the man )